I loved doing tastings at stores and events. It's great to share the Flaxette with people who've never tried it, and to hear their reactions. I especially love what children say when they taste the Flaxette.
Yesterday, a boy of 12 tasted a slice of the Flaxette and exclaimed, "Oh my God! This is outrageous!" He turned to his sister. "Let's tell Mom."
At the recent Food for Haiti event in Westport, CT, a ten-year-old boy, tore into the loaf his mother bought him like it was was a burrito. He returned to Fairfield Bread Company's booth about five minutes later. "Can we buy you out?" he asked. (Was this a phrase he'd heard his father use?) "Sure," we said, and his mother placed 8 loaves in her tote bag. Luckily, we were able to replenish our basket.
Yesterday, at Palmer's Market in Darien, a more judicious 5 year old boy, urged his mother, who had picked up the Flaxette, to buy an extra loaf. She did.
Our young friend Leila is also a fan of the Flaxette, which she calls "Michael's Bread." She knows what side her bread is buttered on. "May I please have another piece of Michael's bread," ususally works wonders on her parents.
What do your kids say about the Flaxette? We'd love to hear.