Monday, March 22, 2010

"Oh my God! This is outrageous!"

I loved doing tastings at stores and events. It's great to share the Flaxette with people who've never tried it, and to hear their reactions. I especially love what children say when they taste the Flaxette.

Yesterday, a boy of 12 tasted a slice of the Flaxette and exclaimed, "Oh my God! This is outrageous!" He turned to his sister. "Let's tell Mom."

At the recent Food for Haiti event in Westport, CT, a ten-year-old boy, tore into the loaf his mother bought him like it was was a burrito. He returned to Fairfield Bread Company's booth about five minutes later. "Can we buy you out?" he asked. (Was this a phrase he'd heard his father use?) "Sure," we said, and his mother placed 8 loaves in her tote bag. Luckily, we were able to replenish our basket.

Yesterday, at Palmer's Market in Darien, a more judicious 5 year old boy, urged his mother, who had picked up the Flaxette, to buy an extra loaf. She did.

Our young friend Leila is also a fan of the Flaxette, which she calls "Michael's Bread." She knows what side her bread is buttered on. "May I please have another piece of Michael's bread," ususally works wonders on her parents.

What do your kids say about the Flaxette? We'd love to hear.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Breakfast of Bakers

After I've baked the bread and made my deliveries, it's 9 a.m. and I'm ready for a break. I make a pit stop at home, put a fresh-baked loaf of Flaxette on the cutting board, and bring out the jam.

Lately, before I put a spoon in the jam jar, I spread a slice of Flaxette with Cabot Creamery of Cabot, Vermont's European-style (high fat) unsalted butter. Damn creamy, and the extra calories keep me going.

Then I dip into my selection of homemade, home-picked jams. I've desimated the organic peach with lavender, and now I'm digging into the green tomato with cardomon. I'll let you know what's next.
I'm off to the bakery. What are you putting on the Flaxette?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello Darien

The Flaxette makes its debut at Palmers Market Sunday, Feb. 28. Bread baker Michael Mordecia will be giving tastings from 11 to 1. Come by for a taste and to say hello.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Bread Basket

"In taste, texture and natural ingredients there is no other like the Flaxette. It's different and delicous. One could become addicted, which, in this case, is the opposite of bad becasue it's good for you."

-- Chilton Ryan

Monday, February 15, 2010

Metro Journalist Loves the Bread

Sherry Cohen of the smart and interesting Metro Journalist Blog, recently wrote about Fairfield Bread Company's The Flaxette. Thank you, Sherry!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Raising Funds for Haiti

Fairfield Bread Company was on hand at the Food4Haiti fundraiser yesterday at the Saugatuck Congregational Church. The event raised almost $10,000 to help feed the people of Haiti.

By 1 p.m., we'd almost sold out of The Flaxette, and needed to get back to the bakery. But who did we run into as we were leaving? Bread Baker Michael Mordecai's favorite TV Chef -- Daisy Martinez.

We hope there was a loaf of The Flaxette left by the time Daisy made her way to the bake sale table!

We get emails and telephone calls

It's so gratifying to know that people love Fairfield Bread Company's "The Flaxette." We get emails and telephone calls from people saying, "It's the most delicious bread I've ever had."

One morning, a woman we'd given a sample loaf to called asking where she could find it. She'd called every bakery in Fairfield trying to find it. Back then, we were still in pre-production, so she was out of luck. But now, people can find it in Fairfield at Adam's Bakery, The Pantry, Spic n Span in Southport Center, Harborview Market in Black Rock. And in Westport, at Garelick & Herbs. We'll be adding more outlets in the upcoming weeks. If you would like your local store to carry it, tell the store owners and managers, and drop us a line so we can follow up with them.

Last night we got another email. It said, "Thank you for the gorgeous loaf. It had just the right crunch and texture. Perfect for honey and cheese!"

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hand Made

The dough gets rounded.

The baker shapes The Flaxette.

The shaped dough rests and rises.

The Flaxette.

New Bread in Town

Fairfield Green Food Guide wrote a piece about Fairfield Bread Company, new bread in town. Check it out.